
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Finesse deploys Robotic Process Automation at Nesto


A global corporation called Nesto runs a network of supermarkets and hypermarkets. The company has grown a network of more than 100 retail locations around the GCC and India since its founding in 2004. The company credits its quick expansion to its unwavering commitment to giving clients access to premium goods from well-known brands at affordable costs.

The emergence of digital technology and e-commerce disruptors has caused supermarkets and hypermarkets to rethink their business strategies. The Nesto Group has made significant investments in its digital transformation and will continue to do so, always keeping its customers in mind. They have teamed up with Finesse, the top GCC enabler of digital transformation, to help them with automating core business operations usingAutomated robotic process (RPA).
Access to offers and promotions is a major concern for Nesto Group's clients. It is tedious and repetitive work for the marketing staff to manually design midweek and weekend promotions and upload the corresponding flyers into their internal program for more than 40 retailers.

Employees at the group invested a lot of time creating, uploading, and fixing promotional activities into their internal tool for 40+ outlets before approaching Finesse.

It is a tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone process to create or update a promotional activity. In the several stores where the deal was present, an incorrect input would cause confusion and consumer turnover.

The answer

Nesto Group and Finesse decided to make advantage of Automation Anywhere's RPA bot technology to automate this procedure. Once in place, the digital bot would replicate the work of a human by weekly developing and posting weekday or weekend promotions into the internal application.

The outcome

Every step of the promotion entry process into the internal tool has now been automated using the RPA technology offered by Finesse and Automation Anywhere. The adoption has increased productivity of the workers involved in this initiative by over 80% while saving over 12 hours of physical labor per week.

While the Nesto Group's marketing team's human labor was undoubtedly directly decreased by this RPA implementation, operational efficiency were also increased.

benefiting the Group while consistently giving its clients a better experience.

"We are grateful to Nesto Group for trusting us and partnering with us to automate their processes using Automation Anywhere's RPA bots," stated Eljo J. P., CBO & Director of Finesse. Automation is the next phase of the digital transformation, and it has successfully benefited customers, as has been demonstrated. Customers can gain an almost infinite number of advantages using RPA. To guarantee that the initiative's objectives are realized, our team will keep up its close collaboration with Nesto.

By automating monotonous processes and allowing employees to concentrate on more high-value activities, RPA has helped Nesto/WIG increase efficiency and lower expenses. We must constantly maintain