Mahindra Group recently appointed Vineet Shukla as their Head of Data. Shukla has close to two decades of experience, of which he has spent a major chunk dabbling with data, AI and machine learning. He started his journey as a software engineer before doing an MBA from IIM Bangalore in business analytics. Before Mahindra Group, Shukla worked as the senior director for data science and machine learning at UnitedHealth Group, where he led the team and built an AI/ML practice from the ground up.
Analytics India Magazine caught up with Shukla for a detailed interview.
Edited excerpts:
AIM: You started your career as a software engineer. Why did you choose to transition to the field of machine learning and data science?
Vineet Shukla: Even when I was a software engineer, I used to work on tweaking algorithms. Owing to my deep interest in mathematics, I could make a smooth transition to data science. In this field, I got the opportunity to conceptualise and design a few ‘big data’ solutions that have helped organisations leverage their potential information assets to gain insights, leading to more efficient, effective, and competitive business decisions. I have collaborated with many key stakeholders (globally) in my career and built analytical solutions on big data, using state of the art tools and technologies (e.g. BigQuery, MapReduce, Hadoop/Hive, R, NLP, Tableau, etc.)