
Friday, August 6, 2021

Robotics and COVID-19: Highlights from A3’s panel discussion with four top leaders

As the world continues to fight the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, robots and automation are playing a critical role in helping to safeguard people while helping make and deliver critical supplies to health care workers and to the public as they shelter in place.

On April 8, the Association for Advancing Automation (A3) convened a live online panel with four industry leaders in the robotics industry:

  • Mike Cicco, President and CEO, FANUC America

  • Milton Guerry, PresidentSCHUNK USA

  • Melonee Wise, CEO and Founder, Fetch Robotics

  • Jürgen von Hollen, President, Universal Robots

The panel, moderated by Robert Huschka, the director of education strategies at A3, featured a wide-ranging conversation, covering topics such as the economic impact to automation, supply change disruptions, key business insights and crisis leadership. More than 900 attendees watch the discussion live, which was sponsored by Miller Resource Group.