Researchers Enable AI To Use Its “Imagination” – Closer to Humans’ Understanding of the World
“Humans can separate their learned knowledge by attributes—for instance, shape, pose, position, color—and then recombine them to imagine a new object. Our paper attempts to simulate this process using neural networks.”
The science of imagination
In this new study, the researchers attempt to overcome this limitation using a concept called disentanglement. Disentanglement can be used to generate deep fakes, for instance, by disentangling human face movements and identity. By doing this, said Ge, “people can synthesize new images and videos that substitute the original person’s identity with another person, but keep the original movement.”
Similarly, the new approach takes a group of sample images—rather than one sample at a time as traditional algorithms have done—and mines the similarity between them to achieve something called “controllable disentangled representation learning.”